Future, is unknown and mystery, we cant ensure it work as we like, but we can decide it on our own!

As usual
update a blog on off day

Time passing without notice
is been a month i work

Through out go back work this time
i discover one thing
the style
or so call pattern
the workers nowadays
unlike those i work with previously

I understand that no one will work all the time during work
"Snake" is a common word for majority of workers
i admit
me also did not 100% time working all the time

But anyhow
when time to serious,
we should get back to work

Problem is
they can doing nothing and keep on swing in shop from morning till night
they can do one simple thing that we can finish it within minutes
they takes hours

I m here not aim to criticize anyone
but i am very unsatisfied with those citizen that name wif 马
they are really amazing
no matter which place
which corner
all having all the negative elements
lazy+delay+brainless+no common sense+...

I am pretty admire them
how they survive so long over century
perhaps should exceed from this dimension

Dont block others if you are continue to lying like shit!!
Keep it on, and i foresee the day your dream come true


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